Mar 28, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Biology, BS
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A major in Biology consists of a minimum of 38 credits and 17 credits of collaterals.
One Organismal Course from the following:
One Ecological course from the following:
One Cell/Genetics course from the following:
One Quantitative course from the following:
11 credits of electives not used above:
Capstone Cluster - Complete one:
Collateral Requirements for Biology majors:
General Education Core Curriculum
Approaches to Individual and Social Questions
One Literature course from: - ENG 210 - American Literature 1 3 credits
- ENG 211 - American Literature 2 3 credits
- ENG 220 - British Literature 1 3 credits
- ENG 221 - British Literature 2 3 credits
- ENG 293 - Genre Studies: Drama 3 credits
- ENG 294 - Genre Studies: Poetry 3 credits
- ENG 295 - Genre Studies: Fiction 3 credits
- ENG 307 - Non-Western Perspectives 3 credits ♦
One History course from: - HIS 101 - American History 1, 1492-1865 3 credits
- HIS 102 - American History 2, 1866-1945 3 credits
- HIS 103 - Modern America, 1945-present 3 credits
- HIS 111 - European History 1, to - 1500 3 credits
- HIS 112 - European History 2, 1500-1850 3 credits
- HIS 113 - Modern Europe, 1850-present 3 credits
- HIS 321 - The Crusades 3 credits
- HIS 352 - Islam and the Middle East 3 credits ♦
- HIS 371 - Native American History 3 credits ♦
- HIS 381 - American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1815 3 credits
- HIS 383 - American Civil War, 1848-1877 3 credits
One Quantitative Reasoning course from: - MAT 116 - Survey of Contemporary Mathematics 3 credits
- MAT 117 - Elementary Statistics 3 credits
- MAT 118 - A Modeling Approach to College Algebra 3 credits
- MAT 119 - Trigonometry 3 credits
- MAT 221 - Calculus 1 4 credits
One Lab Science course from: - ANT 101 - Biological Anthropology 4 credits ♦
- BIO 121 - Insect Empire 4 credits
- BIO 124 - Plant Science 4 credits
- BIO 142 - Microbes - Friends and Foes 3 credits and BIO 143
- BIO 202 - Principles of Biology 2 4 credits
- CHE 101 - Fundamentals of Chemistry 4 credits
- CHE 105 - Food and Cooking Chemistry 4 credits
- CHE 161 - General Chemistry 1 4 credits and CHE 168 - General Chemistry 1 Lab (one additional credit)
- ESS 182 - Environmental Science 4 credits
- PHY 101 - Introduction to Astronomy 3 credits and PHY 105
- PHY 151 - General Physics 1 4 credits
- PHY 152 - General Physics 2 4 credits
- PHY 201 - Physics 1: Space, Time and Motion 5 credits
- PHY 202 - Physics 2: Electricity, Magnetism and Light 5 credits
One Social Science course from: - ANT 100 - General Anthropology 3 credits ♦
- ANT 102 - Cultural Anthropology 3 credits ♦
- ANT 322 - Food and Culture 3 credits ♦
- BUS 150 - Introduction to Business 3 credits
- BUS 181 - Principles of Microeconomics 3 credits
- COM 203 - Introduction to Mass and Social Media 3 credits
- COM 211 - Small Group Communication 3 credits
- COM 260 - Interpersonal Communication 3 credits
- COM 309 - Intercultural Communication 3 credits ♦
- PHI 101 - Introduction to Philosophy 3 credits
- POL 110 - Introduction to American Government and Politics 3 credits
- POL 290 - Politics and Governments of Developed and Developing Nations 3 credits ♦
- POL 390 - Central Europe: International Travel Course 3 credits ♦
- PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology 3 credits
- PSY 120 - Human Growth and Development 3 credits
- SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology 3 credits ♦
- SPE 240 - Cognitive and Behavior Change in Sport & Exercise Science 3 credits
One Fine Arts course from: - ART 110 - Drawing 1 3 credits
- ART 120 - Fundamentals of 2-D 3 credits
- ART 130 - Fundamentals of 3-D 3 credits
- ART 140 - Introductory Web Design 3 credits
- ART 150 - Non-Western Art 3 credits ♦
- ART 200 - Introduction to Visual Art 3 credits
- MUS 100 - Music Appreciation 3 credits
- MUS 101 - Music Fundamentals 3 credits
- MUS 105 - American Popular Music 3 credits
- MUS 106 - Women in Music 3 credits
- MUS 110 - Music Theory 1 3 credits
- THR 101 - Introduction to Theatre 3 credits
- THR 210 - Acting 1 3 credits
or successfully complete three semesters of MUS 021 or three semesters of MUS 025 .
Intercultural Knowledge and Competence
BS/BSN Foreign Language
Degree Credit Requirements
- At least 120 degree credits are required for a bachelor’s degree. There is no limit to the number of credits which may be earned in one department.
- A minimum of 30 of the final 36 credits must be earned in residence to receive a bachelor’s degree from WLC.
- Students must also earn at least 15 credits in residence in upper division courses (300 and 400 level) in the major to receive a bachelor’s degree from WLC.
- If a major requires a capstone course, it is required to be taken at WLC.
- At least 9 credits in the minor must be taken at WLC.
- A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 must be achieved to satisfy the degree requirements. Individual programs may require grade point averages higher than a 2.0 for courses used to satisfy the major.
Suggested General Education Sequencing
- Freshman : COL 101 (Fall), LAS 101 (Spring), Foreign Language/Foreign Language Diversity, Quantitative Reasoning, ENG 101, COM 101, THE 105/THE 110, ~9 cr. in the major
Sophomore: Biblical Theology, PED 100, 1-2 Approaches, declare major -
Junior: Applied Theology, 1-2 Approaches -
Senior: Systematic Theology, 1-2 Approaches, LAS 401/LAS 402 (Full general education information may be found here.) |
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