Oct 18, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Credit System

A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for an approximately fifteen week semester. A class hour at Wisconsin Lutheran College is currently defined as 50 minutes per week based upon an approximate semester length of fifteen weeks or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time.

Credit Load and Overload Approval

The academic load necessary to meet graduation requirements in eight semesters is 16 credits per semester. A full-time student must carry a minimum of 12 credits per semester. A student who wishes to carry more than 18 credits in academic courses per semester must have written permission from a college dean. To be approved for an overload, students must successfully demonstrate a need for approval and have a minimum 3.00 Cumulative GPA.  Students carrying 20 or more credits will be charged a per credit overload fee.

Advanced Placement, CLEP, and IB Transfer Credits

Wisconsin Lutheran College will transfer Advanced Placement, CLEP, and IB credits based on transfer credit policy published on the College’s website or in its academic catalog. A transfer credit reference chart for Advanced Placement, CLEP, and IB transfer credits is published on the Registrar’s Office page and may be found here.


To enrich their educational experience, students are welcome to audit classes that might interest them. Students auditing courses are not required to fulfill any class requirements other than attendance. Auditors are not graded and do not receive course credits. Credit earning students are the first admitted to a course. Admittance of auditors is subject to the availability of room in the class and approval of the instructor.

A full-time student may audit a class as part of the regular class load without paying additional tuition and fees (except special class fees). However, audited courses do not count toward certification of full-time attendance for social security or Veterans Affairs benefits. Part-time students and special students may audit classes by paying special class fees and per credit fees.

Failure to meet attendance policies will result in the Audit being removed from the transcript. Students may change from Audit to credit no later than the last day to add for the semester. Students may change from credit to audit no later than fifth week of the semester. Online classes, music lessons, internships and practicums cannot be audited.

Registration, Add/Drop, Withdrawal

The college calendar specifies registration dates. A student may make a change in course registration after the official period of course registration and through the published add/drop period of the new semester with the approval of his or her advisor, the faculty member, and the registrar. For full semester length courses, the last day to add a class is the Friday of the first week of the semester. The last day to drop a class is the Friday of the second week of the semester. For half semester courses, the last day for changes in courses registration is one week from the start of the class.

After the second week and before the end of the tenth week of the semester, withdrawal from a course will be permitted with the approval of a student’s advisor. For such courses his or her record will show a W (withdrawal). The W will not be counted in computing his or her grade point average.

Administrative Withdrawal

Students may be administratively withdrawn from a course (face-toface, hybrid, or online) at the request of a faculty member due to (1) failure to adhere to the course attendance policy as described in the course syllabus or (2) disruptive classroom behavior. The faculty member will make the request for administrative withdrawal, in writing, to the appropriate college dean. If, upon reviewing the case, the college dean decides that an administrative withdrawal is the appropriate course of action, he/she will inform the student, the faculty member, and the Registrar of that decision.

Students should be aware that administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. Administrative withdrawal will take place after the full refund period, and students that are administratively withdrawn from a course will not be eligible for a tuition refund. Administrative withdrawal from any course automatically voids the 4 year graduation guarantee.

Grades and Grade Points

The following letter grades, their equivalents in achievement, and grade points per semester hour of credit are used by instructors to evaluate a student’s performance in a course.

Grade Achievement Grade Points

A Superior 4.0

AB   3.5

B Good 3.0

BC   2.5

C Satisfactory 2.0

CD   1.5

D Minimum passing 1.0

F Failing  

P Pass  

W Withdrawal  

I Incomplete  

AU Audit  

The grade points are used to compute the cumulative grade point average (GPA), a measure of the student’s overall performance. The GPA is computed by dividing the sum of all grade points by the total credits attempted. Thus, a grade point average of two (2.00) indicates the equivalent of an average of C in all courses. The grades W, I, and the grades for transfer credits are not used in computing the cumulative GPA.

Procedure for Requesting Change in Final Course Grade

Any student may, at any time, consult the instructor about the grades he or she receives for the work he or she has done. However, when the FINAL grade assigned in a course is contested, then the following course of action must be followed. This action is initiated no later than the calendar date fixed for the removal of the “I” (incomplete) grades of the semester or summer session in which the grade was assigned.

  1. The student will first consult with the instructor to determine the reasons for the grade. If there are circumstances that make this step impossible, then the student should consult with the instructor’s school chair. If the instructor is the school chair, the student should consult with the college dean.
  2. When a student is not satisfied with the reasons given by the instructor, then the student must present his or her case, in writing, to the instructor’s school chair. Supporting documentation should include individual grades, course syllabus, grading policy, originals of any graded work and a copy of the student’s final exam. These should be obtained from the faculty member by the school chair if not in the possession of the student.
  3. If after examining the student’s request and consulting with the instructor the school chair finds no grounds for a change in grade, he/she will, within 30 days, inform the student in writing that no further investigation or action will be undertaken. At this point the student may appeal to the college dean, who will decide if there is sufficient cause for an appeal. If the school chair determines that the request for changing the final course grade has sufficient justification, the school chair shall request that the instructor change the grade. If the instructor refuses, the school chair shall refer the matter to the college dean.
  4. If the college dean determines that there is sufficient cause for an appeal he will instruct the Academic Cabinet to review the case consistent with the college grievance procedures (FacultyHandbook, 4.3.8), Every effort will be made to maintain strict confidentiality.
  5. The Academic Cabinet may proceed from written evidence. It may also consult the instructor and/or student in its review. The Academic Cabinet will also have the right to request input from the instructor and/or the student. Both the instructor and the student have the right to provide input to the Academic Cabinet for review. The Academic Cabinet will also have the right to seek to establish facts about grading practices from other students who took the course at the same time. The student and/or instructor may bring in his or her own witnesses in support of their case.
  6. After completing its review, the Academic Cabinet will decide either that the grade assigned will stand, or the grade will be changed to refl ect what the committee has arrived at in its investigation.
  7. If the Academic Cabinet recommends a change in the grade, the instructor shall be asked to make the change. If the instructor refuses, the college dean shall make the change with the provision that the instructor can provide a dissenting opinion as part of the permanent record of the Academic Cabinet. Decisions of the Academic Cabinet are final.


A grade of I (incomplete) indicates that the student’s work in a course is incomplete and that the student has obtained the instructor’s permission to complete the course. An incomplete normally is assigned only when illness or other extenuating circumstances have prevented the student from fulfilling the requirements of the course.

A course marked incomplete must be completed within 90 days of the end of the semester in which the incomplete was assigned. If the course is not completed, the grade automatically becomes an F. A student does not remove an incomplete by registering for the same course in a subsequent semester. If a student receives an incomplete in a course that is a prerequisite for a following course, approval to register for the course must be obtained from the instructor.

In order to remove an I (incomplete), the student must make arrangements with the instructor for the satisfactory completion of the work remaining to be done in the course. When the work is completed, the instructor will report the removal of the incomplete to the registrar. It is the responsibility of the student to make these arrangements.

Academic Honors

Honors for academic achievement are awarded to full-time students at the end of each semester through publication of the dean’s list. To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must earn at least a 3.60 grade point average.

Honors will be verbally bestowed upon graduating students who qualify for the appropriate honor based on the cumulative GPA. Students who earn at least 60 credits at Wisconsin Lutheran College qualify for Latin honors. Students who earn 48-59 credits at Wisconsin Lutheran College and receive at least a 3.60 cumulative grade point average will graduate with distinction. Latin honors are as follows:

Summa Cum Laude: 3.90 - 4.00
Magna Cum Laude: 3.75 - 3.89
Cum Laude: 3.60 - 3.74

Classification of Students

Students are classified by the following credit scale:
Freshman = earned less than 27 credits
Sophomore = earned at least 27 credits
Junior = earned at least 60 credits
Senior = earned at least 90 credits
Special = students who are non-degree seeking

Academic Status

To remain in good academic standing, students must maintain the following cumulative grade point averages:

1. After the First Semester of Enrollment 1.75 CGPA  
2. All Semesters thereafter 2.00 CGPA  

Academic Probation

A student whose cumulative grade point average is below the minimum standard is normally placed on an academic status of probation. A student placed on probation must normally reduce his or her semester academic load to a maximum of 13 credits and hours of employment to a maximum of 13 hours per week. A student on probation must attain an academic status of “good standing” by the end of his or her semester on probation. Normally, if a student fails to attain this status, he or she will be academically suspended.

A student also may be placed on probation for any of the following reasons:

  1. A student who is readmitted after an academic suspension will be placed on probation.
  2. A student who has demonstrated a lack of progress toward a degree evident by a continual decline in their CGPA.

Academic Suspension

Students will be suspended for academic reasons if after being placed upon academic probation fail to reach the required minimum requirements for academic good standing. Students may also be academically suspended if they fail to demonstrate adequate academic progress as evident by their semester and/or cumulative GPA. Normally, students who are suspended for academic reasons may not apply for readmission until two semesters have elapsed.

A student whose academic performance for the semester of probation is considerably above the minimum GPA requirements, but whose cumulative GPA remains below the minimum requirement may appeal to the academic dean to continue his or her studies. The Academic Cabinet will determine if the student may return and the academic status under which such a return should be made.


Because the college views the academic program and the development of Christian character and responsibility as priorities deserving first attention, eligibility for participation in college-sponsored cocurricular activities requires that a student maintain an academic status of good standing. Participation in interscholastic activities also may be negated by disciplinary probation. Athletic eligibility is also governed by the NCAA and the Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference.

First-year students: During the student’s first term, each firstyear student-athlete must be enrolled as a full-time student. At the beginning of the succeeding term, each student must have passed 9 semester hours or its equivalent of the first term’s work as defined by current NCAA rules.

Minimum Grade Point Average. The following scale of grade point averages (GPA) shall be required of all student athletes representing Conference schools in intercollegiate competition, and is based on a 4.00 scale:

1) After first term of enrollment. 1.75 CGPA or higher  
2) Every term thereafter 2.00 CGPA or higher  

Student-athletes must also earn at least 24 credits in the previous two full-time terms of attendance to be eligible to participate.

Course Information

Numbering. Courses are numbered according to level of difficulty based upon prior preparation and knowledge expected. The 100-level courses require the least in the way of prior preparation, whereas 300- and 400-level courses require the most.

Credit. All offerings carry a specified credit load. One unit of credit is considered the equivalent of 750 instructional minutes per semester.

Prerequisites. These are listed at the end of the course description where applicable. Waiver of the prerequisite can be given only by the instructor in charge of the course.

Major Declaration

Students may declare a major upon completion of one year of full-time study or 32 credits as a part-time student. This procedure is begun by making an appointment with the student’s advisor to complete an Application for Declaration of a Major. This application is forwarded by the Registrar to a faculty member in the major department for which admission is being sought. The department reviews the academic record of the applicant to determine aptitude for success in the major. Upon approval by the department, the student is assigned to an advisor in the major department.

Once a student has been accepted to a major, the student will be considered a major in the discipline until the student changes majors or is asked by the discipline to leave the major. If the student is notified by the discipline about being unable to progress in the major until specified requirements are met, the student remains a major in the discipline.

In an effort to ensure students are making adequate progress toward graduation, students must have a declared major on file in the Registrar’s office by March 31st of their second year of study at WLC. Failure to address this requirement will prevent registration for the subsequent fall semester and require that the student meets with one of the academic deans before the registration hold can be lifted. For all majors, students must complete at least 15 credits in residence in upper-division courses (numbered 300 or above) in the major. To have a major approved for graduation, a student must attain at least a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in courses selected by the student to satisfy the major unless specifically noted by the department. Credits used to satisfy the major may also be used to satisfy general degree requirements. Collateral requirements do not count towards major grade point average or the total credits required in a major.


All internships are numbered 490 and are arranged with the Director of Career and Professional Development with approval from the student’s major advisor. Students wishing to complete an internship for academic credit must:

  1. Have earned a minimum of 45 credits.
  2. Have a 2.25 cumulative GPA.
  3. Be officially accepted into a major or minor for which internship credit is being sought.
  4. Register for academic credit prior to the start of the internship experience, complete an Internship Agreement Form, and fulfill all academic requirements as outlined the course syllabus.

In addition, students must complete a minimum of 45 hours on site per credit:

1 credit = 45 hours
2 credits = 90 hours
3 credits = 135 hours

A maximum of 3 credits may be applied to a major, unless otherwise specified. A maximum of 6 internship credits may be applied to the 120 total credit requirement with a maximum of 12 credits awarded on the transcript. Students should always consult their advisor to confirm how internship credits fit within the prescribed requirements of their major or minor.

Note: Any exceptions to the minimum credit, major/minor acceptance, or GPA requirements above, must be approved in writing by the appropriate college dean.

Independent Studies

These courses are all numbered X99 with the first number representing the level of work being completed. Independent Studies are to be arranged with a full-time professor. Students will need to complete an Independent Study Application and have it approved by the supervising instructor, the appropriate School Chair and the appropriate academic Dean before it will be added to their academic record.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat for credit any course in which a grade was received. If a grade of F (failing) is received in a course needed to satisfy degree requirements, the course must be repeated.

In repeated courses only the highest grade is used in computing the cumulative grade point average. Students should be aware, however, that all grades are included on transcripts sent to other colleges, universities, and graduate schools, and these institutions may, according to their transfer and admission policies, compute grade point averages based on all grades.

Class Attendance

The college expects students to attend all class sessions. Early departures and late returns at vacation times are not to be requested. College policy permits each instructor to establish the specific details of class attendance for each particular class.

Students involved in athletics or other off-campus activities sponsored by the college are required to make arrangements in advance with the instructor for each class missed.

Assessment of Academic Outcomes

Admission to Wisconsin Lutheran College implies each student’s willingness to participate in the various efforts of the college to assess the effectiveness of its academic programs. Such efforts include entry-level tests and assessments for beginning freshmen, the comprehensive assessment day held in April of each year, as well as other formal and informal assessments conducted by academic departments. Conducting regular assessment of the academic outcomes of its students allows the college to continuously monitor its effectiveness and implement changes for improvement.

Professor’s Absence

If a professor is unable to hold a scheduled class, an announcement will be made prior to class. Absence due to illness or emergency will be posted in the administration building, the library, and on the classroom door. If a professor has not appeared in his/her classroom within twenty (20) minutes after the scheduled beginning of class, students may assume that class period is canceled and notify the Executive Assistant to the Provost.


Students must complete class requirements before a vacation period begins. Transportation arrangements, especially for Christmas and spring breaks, should be made well in advance. The residence halls will be locked and the dining area closed for Christmas and spring vacations.

Academic Progress Reports

Aside from official grade reports issued at the end of each semester, the college provides numerous informal reports of academic progress to students and their advisors. In the fourth and eleventh weeks of each semester, an academic progress report form is submitted by faculty to the academic dean’s office identifying students who are experiencing lack of success or exhibiting behaviors which have the potential to impede satisfactory progress. At the mid-term of each semester, an unofficial grade report is issued to students and their advisors which demonstrates the student’s grade status after seven weeks of study. These various reports are intended to provide opportunities for students to work with their advisors to improve their chances for success.

Academic Advising

Wisconsin Lutheran College places a priority on effective academic advising. Academic advising helps students successfully complete a degree and create a meaningful relationship with the college. Academic advising is practiced primarily through direct and purposeful interactions with fulltime faculty. Advisors and advisees work together to select courses and programs, to discuss interests and gifts, to explore career aspirations and options, and to prepare for the next step at every point in an academic pathway.

Freshmen and sophomores and transfers are assigned general advisors soon after their admission. These advisors are expected to know the General Education curriculum and the individual situations of advisees. When a student declares a major, the student selects or is assigned a new advisor in their program of study.

Academic advising occurs formally and informally throughout a student’s academic career. Typically, students meet at least twice a year with their advisor to choose classes for the upcoming semester. Freshmen and sophomores who intend to enroll in programs with prescribed pathways are encouraged by advisors to meet with faculty in those programs.

Advisors use published advising resources, which are accessed on myWLC and on the college website (click here - myWLC login required). Students and advisors rely on information and expertise found in the annual Academic Catalog and in the Registrar’s Office. Students and advisors also take advantages of resources found in offices of Student Success, Career Development, Student Life, and Athletics.

Academic Grievance

In a caring Christian community, mutual respect between teachers and students as fellow redeemed children of God dictates an orderly and God-pleasing approach to resolving any grievance. Grievances of an academic nature should, whenever possible, be handled between the principals involved. This initial step is in line with the guide given us by Christ in Matthew 18. Grievances that cannot be settled at the first level may, after consultation with the advisor, be appealed in writing to the academic dean. If this second step still does not resolve the grievance, the student may appeal in writing to the Academic Cabinet. The above grievance procedure shall also apply in the case of a student’s concern with a faculty member’s alleged violation of professional ethics.

Academic Ethics

Faculty members will notify their students of their individual standards and expectations regarding classroom conduct, attendance, testing, and grading. The guide of God’s law in maintaining ethical standards of honesty and integrity applies to students, faculty, and staff.

Violation of the Code of Ethics

The following are considered violations of the academic ethics code:

  1. Plagiarizing
  2. Possessing, obtaining, or sharing unauthorized information prior to, or during, an examination
  3. Resubmitting work for more than one course without the instructor’s approval
  4. All deceitful or dishonest activity

Penalties for violation of the ethics code will include a minimum of failure on the academic project involved and a written reprimand. Copies of the reprimand will be given to the student’s advisor and the academic dean. Extra course work, reduction of the course grade, failure of the course, and expulsion from the college are potential penalties for code violation.

Withdrawal from the College

A student who voluntarily wishes to withdraw from the college must contact the Dean of Student Success and Retention to discuss procedures. Students are granted an honorable withdrawal from the college provided they have an academic status of good standing and have cleared all obligations (tuition and all other financial obligations) to the college according to the established procedures for withdrawal. Students who honorably withdraw before the end of the semester will be assigned a grade of W for each course in which they are enrolled. Students who voluntarily leave the college before the end of the semester without completing the prescribed withdrawal procedures will be considered as still registered and will receive a grade of F (failing) for each course in which they are enrolled.

Please see the Institutional Refund Policy  and the Financial Aid Refund Policies.

Commencement Participation

Commencement exercises are held at the end of the fall and spring semesters. A student is eligible to participate in commencement only once. In order to be eligible to participate in a commencement exercise, students must be registered to complete by the end of the same semester all the necessary remaining degree requirements. Education majors who will have met all degree requirements except the student teaching practicum may participate in the May commencement prior to student teaching in the fall semester.


A one-time graduation fee of $75.00 will be charged on all accounts of ALL students scheduled to graduate, regardless of whether or not they plan to participate in the commencement ceremony. This charge will appear on their student tuition account upon submission of an application for degree. This fee will cover the cost of the cap and gown (announcements sold separately), diploma cover and printing expenses, a transcript, ceremony expenses, etc.